Carcinogenicity rats (TD50)
Carcinogenicity is expressed as the potency dose that induces cancer in rats (TD50, in mg/kg body weight).

 CORAL calculations described in:
  A.P. Toropova, A.A. Toropova, R. Gonella Diaza, E. Benfenati, G. Gini,  Analysis of the co-evolutions of correlations as a tool for QSAR-modeling carcinogenicity: an unexpected good prediction based on a model that seems untrustworthy. //Cent. Eur. J. Chem. 9 (2011) 165-174

Experimental  and calculated with CORAL carcinogenicity (pTD50) values. 

The sub-training set, calibration set, and test set are indicated by ‘+’, ‘-‘, and ‘#’, respectively.